Contact tracing – Royal Kazaar Sun, 23 Oct 2022 06:59:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Contact tracing – Royal Kazaar 32 32 Fans of boy band Seventeen show unity by creating contact tracing spreadsheet after Carats received Covid-19 at concert in Singapore, Entertainment News Mon, 17 Oct 2022 11:07:00 +0000 K-pop fans are often very passionate about everything they do for their idols: from buying billboards to wish their idols a happy birthday, to “fan actions” like printing banners for the entire concert audience to hold. Carats (fans of boy band Seventeen) who saw their idols live last Thursday (October 13) at their Be The […]]]>

K-pop fans are often very passionate about everything they do for their idols: from buying billboards to wish their idols a happy birthday, to “fan actions” like printing banners for the entire concert audience to hold.

Carats (fans of boy band Seventeen) who saw their idols live last Thursday (October 13) at their Be The Sun concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium stepped up and took their dedication and organizational skills to the next level, by creating a spreadsheet to track Covid-19 infections.

Late Saturday night, fans began sharing their positive rapid antigen test (ART) results on Twitter, indicating which section they were seated in and their queue numbers, to warn others.

With the looming threat of Covid-19 Omicron sub-variant XBB, Carats took no chances.

A Twitter user named Mia started compiling the tweets into a single Twitter thread.

Then fans took it a step further by compiling the information into a comprehensive spreadsheet titled Be The Sun SG Covid Tracker. It is organized into 12 tabs comprising the different categories of seats and standing tickets available, and further into different sections of seats within each category.


Fans listed their ART test results, the symptoms they were experiencing and also noted “your whereabouts and what you were wearing, so others would know if they were near you” in a remarks column. .

Fans meticulously noted what time they arrived, where they went for lunch, and which fan groups they interacted with, while leaving positive notes and apologies to those they came into contact with.

A TikTok user by the name of Xuanlai shared the spreadsheet in a video with the caption, “Another bites the dust,” but later commented that “internet trolls got their hands on the link.”

The trolls allegedly tampered with the spreadsheet and deleted entries.

It doesn’t matter, because the Carats, undeterred, scooped up what they could and created a Google form for legitimate answers to be checked before they were added to the new spreadsheet.

The Tracker 2.0 is now a read-only spreadsheet which, at the time of writing, has nearly 200 responses.

There were positive vibes all around, no pun intended, as fans asked each other to stay hydrated and even managed to inject some humor into their predicament.

ALSO READ: Seventeen’s concert was my first and I’d pay $300 to see them again

No part of this article may be reproduced without permission from AsiaOne.

Miami wins award for innovation in contact tracing Sun, 16 Oct 2022 16:00:00 +0000 The Department of Information Technology (IT) and University Services at the University of Miami have won the Top CIO 100 award for their contract research innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Miami was the only university to win the award, along with multinational corporations. Kendall Leser, director of Miami’s public health program and co-director of its […]]]>

The Department of Information Technology (IT) and University Services at the University of Miami have won the Top CIO 100 award for their contract research innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Miami was the only university to win the award, along with multinational corporations.

Kendall Leser, director of Miami’s public health program and co-director of its contact tracing efforts, supervised 169 student employees. She referred to their employment as applied public health training.

“Normally the students worked in three-hour shifts, each day of the week,” she said. “If their shift ended, it could easily be transferred to another student, and they could pick up where the last contact tracer left off.”

Leser and his team thought of new ways to improve Miami’s contact tracing results. By moving to an all-electronic method and implementing a 24/7 live hotline, which Butler County volunteers served on, the Miami methods became much more efficient and better qualified for the award than other universities.

“We had a process in place where if a Miami student needed housing, a case was automatically created, and COVID case managers could come in and grab that case and work on it without having to go back and forth. returns between different lists with the health department,” Leser said.

David Seidl, vice president of information technology and chief information officer of Miami, managed the project. He also helped the university solve other technological problems caused by the pandemic.

When Miami moved to virtual learning, Seidl and his team had to teach professors how to use Zoom, set up classrooms for hybrid instruction, and run software for COVID reporting and tracking exemptions.

“It was all kind of an emergency response work overload,” Seidl said. “We were already shooting 100 percent.”

Brian Henebry, assistant vice president of solutions delivery in Miami, accepted the award on behalf of Miami. He said it illustrated Miami’s larger efforts to fight COVID-19.

“There has been a lot of effort to isolate students during this time so we can keep classes active,” Henebry said. “But the biggest challenge I faced was the ever-changing guidelines.”

Butler County General Health District representative Erin Smiley said the partnership with Miami has benefited the contact tracing effort, especially early in the pandemic.

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“The infrastructure that was needed to do contact tracing for so many people was impossible for us to keep up with,” she said. “We had a really unique opportunity to partner with a bigger institution like Miami to take on something like this.”

Seidl said the project succeeded because of a special sense of collaboration. Every individual contribution counted.

“It couldn’t have been sustained without the dedication and commitment of this group and also their flexibility when something needed to be adjusted,” he said.

Leser said the award shows the importance of Miami’s less important research areas.

“IT often does things behind the scenes that we don’t really recognize,” she said. “So that really highlights his importance as a collaborator, when it comes to bringing about significant change in public health.”

India repurposes its COVID-19 contact tracing app and vaccination website Mon, 26 Sep 2022 07:36:29 +0000 India is repurposing its COVID-19 contact tracing app and vaccination website to address other health concerns in the South Asian country. A senior official said on Sunday that the Indian government plans to use Aarogya Setu as the country’s standalone health app. The app will offer residents the ability to book medical appointments and check […]]]>

India is repurposing its COVID-19 contact tracing app and vaccination website to address other health concerns in the South Asian country.

A senior official said on Sunday that the Indian government plans to use Aarogya Setu as the country’s standalone health app.

The app will offer residents the ability to book medical appointments and check registrations with QR codes to avoid waiting in queues at hospitals, RS Sharma, the chief executive of the National Authority of Health, the body that oversees the implementation of the country’s flagship public health. regime, said at a public event.

Aarogya Setu, launched in 2020, has racked up more than 240 million downloads, he said. The app was initially launched as a “temporary solution to a temporary problem”.

Shortly after its launch, Aarogya Setu, which means “bridge to health” in Sanskrit, raised some concerns from privacy advocates about the app tracking individuals. New Delhi dismissed the concerns and said at the time that the so-called flaws were implemented in the app by design. Weeks later, he opened the app.

The Indian government is also repurposing its COVID-19 immunization website, CoWIN, to serve the country’s universal immunization agenda.

The revamped site will allow individuals to locate and obtain mandatory vaccines covered by the national immunization program, including polio drops, and attempt to help small-scale doctors use it as a management system health information, said Sharma, who previously oversaw the country’s telecommunications. regulator.

COVID Vaccine Intelligence Network, commonly referred to as CoWIN, was introduced in January last year as the Indian government’s platform to maintain a unified COVID-19 vaccination registry.

A cleaner at the HSE Covid contact tracing center followed a man into the bathroom and performed a sex act on himself Mon, 19 Sep 2022 13:29:00 +0000 A cleaner at an HSE Covid contact tracing center followed a man into the bathrooms and performed a sexual act on himself in front of the victim, a court has heard. anos Carolea (36) had been arrested months earlier for reporting herself and committing the same offense in front of an undercover guard in the […]]]>

A cleaner at an HSE Covid contact tracing center followed a man into the bathrooms and performed a sexual act on himself in front of the victim, a court has heard.

anos Carolea (36) had been arrested months earlier for reporting herself and committing the same offense in front of an undercover guard in the toilets of a downtown store.

Judge Bryan Smyth fined him €500 in Dublin District Court when he admitted both offences.

The court heard that Corolea had already paid a “very high price” for his offense and was receiving “help”.

The accused, who is from Romania but has an address at The Hermitage, Balgriffin, Dublin 13, pleaded guilty to masturbating in public, at the HSE contact tracing offices, Heuston South Quarter on December 8th. ‘last year.

He also admitted an earlier charge for the same offense at Marks & Spencer, on Mary Street, on June 8, 2021.

The court heard it was reported to gardai that the office cleaner – Carolea – had twice followed a victim into the bathroom at the contact tracing centre.

On the second occasion, the housekeeper entered a bathroom stall without closing the door and “slowly began to masturbate” in front of the man.

“He could see the defendant’s penis in his hand making slow up and down movements,” a guard sergeant said.

The victim reported it to the management who went to the gardaí.

In the previous incident, an undercover guard was in the Marks & Spencer public toilet at 2.45pm as part of an undercover operation when Corolea came in and waved him into the cabin next to his.

Moments later, Garda Seamus Donoghue said, the accused exited the cabin and walked towards the secret guard who was washing his hands.

Corolea began to masturbate in front of the garda and when a second plainclothes officer entered the bathroom, the accused “did not appear to be put off by this and continued his act of public masturbation”.

The garda identified themselves and Corolea was arrested.

He was “completely cooperative and helpful with the investigation,” Gda Donoghue said.

Corolea had no prior convictions.

He was married and had children but now separated following the cases which caused great distress and damage to the defendant and his family, defense attorney Michael Kelleher said.

His family had supported him and Corolea felt enormous guilt for what he had brought them.

A condition of his family’s support was that he “receive help”, Mr Kelleher said, and a report from a psychologist was submitted to the court.

The accused acknowledged that what had happened was “not acceptable”, that it had stopped and would not happen again.

He was now working in construction.

Contact tracing apps and databases seen as sources of recent spam wave Tue, 06 Sep 2022 16:30:00 +0000 On Tuesday, a lawmaker criticized the government for allowing contact tracing for COVID-19 using multiple apps and databases, a practice that could be behind data breaches that have inundated users spam cell phones incorporating their names. Albay Rep. Joey Sarte Salceda, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, expressed dismay at the “negligence” of […]]]>

On Tuesday, a lawmaker criticized the government for allowing contact tracing for COVID-19 using multiple apps and databases, a practice that could be behind data breaches that have inundated users spam cell phones incorporating their names.

Albay Rep. Joey Sarte Salceda, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, expressed dismay at the “negligence” of the Interagency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) d ‘requiring contact tracing across multiple apps and databases, instead of using a single app with a single data protection controller.

Salceda said contact tracing databases at different institutions may have been the source of personal information through text spam recently received by mobile phone users.

“The IATF has not pushed hard enough and enforced a single contact tracing app with a single database. This means that you had different data collectors, some of which may not have been able to protect the data. I don’t want to attribute malice, but some of them may have even sold it,” Salceda said.

“All of these potential data breaches could have been limited by having a single controller and data clearinghouse that was also protected and audited,” he added.

Salceda called for the National Telecommunications Commission to work with telecommunications companies to detect and prevent “a mass of successive text messages in suspicious volumes.” “This way we can prevent mass or extended messaging.”

Salceda has also asked the National Privacy Commission (NPC) to find the source of the data breach.

Under the Data Protection Act 2012, Salceda said, the controller “must promptly notify the Commission and data subjects where sensitive personal information or other information which may, in the circumstances, be used to enable impersonation are reasonably suspected to have been acquired by an unauthorized person, and the personal information controller or the Commission believes that such unauthorized acquisition is likely to result in a real risk of harm serious for everyone involved.

“Data controllers appear to have been unable to protect all data. And there was a lot of room for breaches because there were so many data controllers, due to multiple contact tracing apps,” Salceda said.

“The IATF and DOH required contact tracing in March 2020, but the privacy guidelines weren’t released until June 2020. So you’ve had three months where it’s been a ‘wild west’ for the data confidentiality. There was no sheriff in town for at least three months. It’s the only big data source I can identify,” he said.

“Because of the way banking is now so interconnected with mobile [phones], we should treat mobile numbers with the same care that we treat banking services. Thieves have money to steal in data breaches,” Salceda said.

Meanwhile, Rep. Wilbert Lee of the Agri party list group has called for a congressional investigation into rampant text spam and phishing messages to protect consumers’ rights to privacy and security, and prevent these crooks to cause more harm.

In House Resolution 334, Lee cited the need for Congress to determine the effectiveness of government intervention by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), the NTC, the National Commission of Privacy (NPC) and other government agencies against the onslaught of fraudulent SMS lawsuits.

“It is the government’s duty to ensure that consumers’ right to privacy is protected and that they are not victims of fraudulent activities facilitated by spam and phishing messages,” the lawmaker said.

The Senate has also moved to investigate rampant texting scams, with Senator Ronald dela Rosa calling for an investigation.

In a statement on Tuesday, Globe Telecom Inc.’s (Globe) chief information security officer, Anton Bonifacio, said the company was “working closely” with the NTC and NPC to crack down on cybercriminals and protect data confidentiality.

To date, he said Globe had spent about 1.1 billion pesos in capital expenditure to strengthen its capabilities to detect and block scams and spam from international and local sources.

“Globe also maintains a 24/7 security operations center, with more than 100 people working around the clock to detect attacks, breaches, spam and text messages,” he said.

From January to July, Globe blocked a total of 784 million fraudulent and spam messages, disabled 14,058 scam-related SIM cards and blacklisted 8,973 SIM cards, in addition to 610 blocked domains or URLs.

On the other hand, PLDT – Smart’s Chief Information Security Officer, Angel Redoble, assured its users that there was no evidence to suggest a breach in its network, spam messages and scam received by their users being mostly sent via individual SIM cards.

“After reviewing these spam messages, we observed that the format of the names mimics naming conventions used in popular digital services,” Redoble said.

Leah Jimenez, data privacy manager of PLDT-Smart, said the companies continue to work with the NPC, NTC and law enforcement to help track down the cybercriminals responsible for these illegal activities.

“At this early stage, and pending the completion of investigations, we believe it is prudent to await any conclusion. Our goal should be to identify the source of these fraudulent messages,” Jimenez said.

In 2021, PLDT-Smart invested nearly 3 billion pesos to strengthen its cybersecurity infrastructure to protect against emerging threats and vulnerabilities in telecommunications and cyberspace, Redoble said.

Previously, the NTC had ordered telecom carriers to send warnings to the public against fraudulent text messages containing the names of their recipients.

SMS scams have been on the rise since the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the latest fraudulent messages containing the names of their recipients and offering fake jobs, promises of cash prizes or similar scams that trick users into provide sensitive information. .

This information can then be used by cybercriminals to log into a person’s bank account, digital wallet, or social media account, resulting in financial and data privacy losses.

Amazon ends furloughs and COVID-specific contact tracing Thu, 18 Aug 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Amazon will no longer offer COVID-19-specific leave for operations employees, according to internal documents. The company will also halt contact tracing and site-wide notifications of positive cases in warehouses. Amazon previously offered two weeks of paid time off for COVID-19 cases. Amazon will no longer offer COVID-19-specific leave for operations employees or conduct site-wide contact […]]]>
  • Amazon will no longer offer COVID-19-specific leave for operations employees, according to internal documents.
  • The company will also halt contact tracing and site-wide notifications of positive cases in warehouses.
  • Amazon previously offered two weeks of paid time off for COVID-19 cases.

Amazon will no longer offer COVID-19-specific leave for operations employees or conduct site-wide contact tracing and notifications of positive cases in most warehouses starting August 19, according to internal documents seen by Insider.

“Today, conditions at the state and local levels, including recently updated guidance from the CDC, support our ability to return to standard operations and policies,” states an internal FAQ shared with employees. “High levels of vaccine- and infection-induced immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention tools have significantly reduced the risk of severe disease.”

The change could affect hundreds of thousands of workers. Amazon has more than 1.6 million employees, many of whom work in warehouses. Pandemic disruptions threw the company’s warehouse operations into chaos in 2020 and 2021, forcing Amazon to frantically hire more people.

Unless required by law, the company will revert to standard sick leave benefits. Previously, Amazon offered two weeks of paid leave for COVID-19. Amazon had no comment. The notification excludes California, New York, Colorado and Philadelphia.

Amazon is offering warehouse workers time off based on factors including “employee category, location, and seniority,” according to the FAQ, and though the document suggests employees stay home s they are sick, some employees will not have access to any sick leave. after this change. Employees can request accommodations for “personal medical circumstances,” the FAQ says.

“Except as otherwise required by federal, state, or local law, COVID-specific leave types will no longer be offered,” the document says. “Employees are able to self-manage their leave options and can use any combination of accrued time and/or statutory leave benefits to cover an absence.”

In a document announcing the change, Amazon said it chose to end notifications and contact tracing following governments’ decision to reduce or end their own COVID-19 reporting programs.

Are you an Amazon employee or do you have ideas to share? Contact reporter Ashley Stewart via the encrypted messaging app Signal (+1-425-344-8242) or email (

Allegheny Valley School Board approves health and safety plan without contact tracing Wed, 17 Aug 2022 21:03:50 +0000 Students in the Allegheny Valley School District will not have to self-quarantine if they come into close contact with a student who tests positive for covid-19. School board members voted 8-0 to approve the district’s health and safety plan, which eliminates contact tracing, at their meeting on Tuesday. Board member Jessica Griggle was absent. One […]]]>

Students in the Allegheny Valley School District will not have to self-quarantine if they come into close contact with a student who tests positive for covid-19.

School board members voted 8-0 to approve the district’s health and safety plan, which eliminates contact tracing, at their meeting on Tuesday. Board member Jessica Griggle was absent.

One of the main concerns expressed by board members in previous meetings was how to handle contact tracing.

The board was presented with two plans Tuesday by Superintendent Patrick Graczyk.

One plan included seeking contracts, while the other did not. The council opted for the second plan because it closely follows the latest guidelines set by the CDC and the Allegheny County Health Department.

The CDC announced on August 11 that it would relax its guidelines on covid-19. The guidelines state that people no longer have to self-quarantine if they come into close contact with someone who has covid. The CDC also said people no longer had to adhere to social distancing guidelines of staying 6 feet from others.

Council Treasurer Steve Puskar asked if the council would be able to return to contact tracing if the CDC reversed its decision.

“Let’s say the day after a board meeting, the CDC changes and we don’t have anything in the health and safety plan that allows us to go back to looking for contracts,” Puskar said.

Attorney Matthew Hoffman said the board would be able to make changes to the plan if needed.

Graczyk said frustration with the situation in the past had more to do with quarantine than contact tracing itself. The school district wants to remain diligent in ensuring the health and safety of students, he said.

“So if we know if you had kids at school, we want to at least let you know, we think your kids were exposed and you want to monitor what’s going on,” he said.

David Buchman, another board member, assured Puskar that the CDC would not return to contact tracing soon.

“The changes that they just announced between the last meeting and this meeting have been under discussion for three or four weeks now and have been expected for several weeks,” he said. “They’re not the fastest when it comes to making changes of this magnitude.”

Council Chairman Larry Pollick said the district has reached a point where covid is not disrupting student education.

“Since it started it was terrible,” he said. “We had virtual learning. This is an adjustment we will be voting on today to allow our students a normal environment.

Tanisha Thomas is editor of Tribune-Review. You can contact Tanisha by email at or via Twitter .

Government drops COVIDSafe contact tracing app – Software Tue, 09 Aug 2022 07:00:00 +0000 The federal government has scrapped its much-maligned COVIDSafe contact tracing app, with Health Minister Mark Butler deeming it “no longer necessary” to control the spread of the virus. The Department of Health said COVIDSafe was “being retired” in an update on the Apple and Google app stores on Tuesday afternoon, and asked users to start […]]]>

The federal government has scrapped its much-maligned COVIDSafe contact tracing app, with Health Minister Mark Butler deeming it “no longer necessary” to control the spread of the virus.

The Department of Health said COVIDSafe was “being retired” in an update on the Apple and Google app stores on Tuesday afternoon, and asked users to start uninstalling the app.

“This app is no longer used in contact tracing,” read the release notes for the latest update to the COVIDSafe App List.

“This update removes functionality from the app so that no information is stored or collected. This will enable the downgrade process [sic] from COVIDSafe.

When attempting to open the app, users receive a notice stating: “Data is no longer being collected and will be deleted from the national COVIDSafe data store”.

“The data on your devices will be deleted when you uninstall the app,” the notice reads, with users directed to a website to help them remove the app.

Screenshot of the COVIDSafe app

The government’s decision to drop COVIDSafe months after Australia embarked on a “normalization programme” appears to have come into force on Sunday, following a seven-day grace period.

The Privacy (Public Health Contact Information) (End of COVIDSafe data period) Determination 2022 was made on July 31, but was only published on Tuesday.

“The Minister of Health is satisfied that, following the end of the seven-day period from the day of registration of this device, the use of COVIDSafe is no longer necessary for prevention or control; the entry, emergence, establishment or spread of [Covid-19] in Australia,” it read.

Ahead of the May election, a Labor-led Senate committee called on the then government to stop funding COVIDSafe, citing the app’s “high cost and significant limitations”.

As of October 2021, COVIDSafe had cost the government over $9 million, including $2.77 million in Amazon Web Services hosting fees.

The report says COVIDSafe was not used by state governments during the Delta outbreak in 2021 and only 17 unique contacts were identified using the app in 2020.

Last year, the Department of Health also acknowledged that the app was “rarely” used, but at the time this was due to low rates of community transmission and manual contact tracing.

But with the average death toll rising from around 20 a day to more than 70 in the months since the government ended its pandemic emergency powers, the government has finally come to the party. .

COVIDSafe was launched to much fanfare in April 2020, with former Prime Minister Scott Morrison describing it as “like wearing sunscreen outside”, but it quickly became a source of derision for the government.

Early on, it became clear that logging encounters on iOS devices, especially when COVIDSafe was running in the background, was problematic, a problem that persisted even after updating the app with a new Bluetooth protocol. .

SF almost gives up monkeypox contact tracing Tue, 09 Aug 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Hello, Bay Area. It’s Tuesday, August 9, and a luxury round-trip river cruise from San Francisco to Sacramento will soon be making its maiden voyage. Here’s what you need to know to start your day. San Francisco has demanded more vaccines and treatment options for its growing cases of monkeypox — but the city has […]]]>

Hello, Bay Area. It’s Tuesday, August 9, and a luxury round-trip river cruise from San Francisco to Sacramento will soon be making its maiden voyage. Here’s what you need to know to start your day.

San Francisco has demanded more vaccines and treatment options for its growing cases of monkeypox — but the city has all but abandoned an age-old method of containing outbreaks: contact tracing.

With 472 cases, more than a third of California’s total, San Francisco public health officials believe the city has the highest rate of monkeypox per capita in the country. So, at first, the practice of tracking down those exposed to a rapidly spreading disease and then isolating or treating them — as was done at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic — seemed like a good idea.

But city officials said when they tried to track down every person exposed to monkeypox – mostly men who have sex with men – it didn’t work because many people were unwilling or unable to not share the names and contact details of their partners.

So about a month ago, health officials instead began urging people with monkeypox to do their own contact tracing. Although some tracings are taking place, they are mostly limited to children under 18 and pregnant women, officials said. This contrasts with many other counties in the Bay Area, where tracing numbers are much lower.

Read more from Nanette Asimov.

Stanford undergraduate Julia Simon collects wastewater from the Codiga Resource Recovery Center on the Stanford campus for analysis.

Harry Gregory/Stanford University

• Sewage helped trace the spread of COVID in the Bay Area. Can it do the same for monkeypox?

What to eat and drink

Owners of small and medium-sized Bay Area bakeries are doing everything they can to keep their prices steady in the face of inflation and rising ingredient costs. Even if it means making other changes to the business or reducing profits in the end.

“Imagine if the corner cafe you went to had a different price every week like the stock market,” said Andrew Burnham, operating partner at Manresa Bread. “It would have a very strange vibe. It wouldn’t convey any quality. That wouldn’t convey any confidence.

In an analysis by Chronicle, data from five local bakeries between 2016 and 2022 shows that the price of a butter croissant has increased slowly, by an average of 20%.

Read more from Caleb Pershan and Yuri Avila.

The Shiru Bar in Oakland serves cocktails and analog music.

The Shiru Bar in Oakland serves cocktails and analog music.

Amaya Edwards / Special for The Chronicle

• Cozy Japanese jazz bars, like Bar Shiru in Oakland, are booming in the Bay Area.

• Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe, a Bay Area restaurant co-owned by Green Day bassist, is closing after 20 years.

around the bay

Blasted policy: Officers in this northern California county are stopping Asian drivers at 12 times the rate of white drivers, according to the lawsuit.

It’s official: SF District Attorney Brooke Jenkins is running to keep her job in November.

Rebuild a community hub: Oakland’s Chinatown is worried about climate change. Big plans are underway to adapt.

Proposed prison changes: California places some of its most vulnerable inmates in solitary confinement. A state bill would change that.

The truth came out: This beer-themed water park in Napa was a publicity stunt after all, surprising no one.

California fires: A 73-year-old US Forest Service lookout died at her home in McKinney Fire.

Boarding for Sacramento from SF

A new cruise will soon pamper passengers on a unique river trip from San Francisco to Napa, Stockton and Sacramento and back - for a hefty sum.

A new cruise will soon pamper passengers on a unique river trip from San Francisco to Napa, Stockton and Sacramento and back – for a hefty sum.

American cruise lines

A new cruise will soon pamper passengers on a unique river trip from San Francisco to Stockton, Sacramento, Napa and back – for a hefty sum.

With prices starting at $6,095, passengers will travel round-trip from San Francisco to California’s capital via the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta on an eight-day trip dubbed the “Cruise in the San Francisco Bay,” American Cruise Lines officials said. The most luxurious accommodation – a large suite with a private balcony – costs $11,680 per person.

This is the company’s first-ever cruise in California, with an itinerary along the San Joaquin, Napa and Sacramento rivers.

Learn more about Jessica Flores.

Bay Briefing is written by Kellie Hwang and Anna Buchmann and sent to readers’ inboxes weekday mornings. Sign up for the newsletter here and contact the writers at and

River. Co. provides additional Monkeypox resources, contact tracing Tue, 09 Aug 2022 02:20:47 +0000 Nine more monkeypox cases were added to Riverside County’s growing total in a single weekend. Of the 59 reported cases of monkeypox, 56 of them are here in the Coachella Valley. And it’s now being called a public health emergency. The age group and sex remain the same: all men aged 20 to 60. But […]]]>

Nine more monkeypox cases were added to Riverside County’s growing total in a single weekend.

Of the 59 reported cases of monkeypox, 56 of them are here in the Coachella Valley.

And it’s now being called a public health emergency.

The age group and sex remain the same: all men aged 20 to 60.

But Riverside County Public Health is taking action in a way we already know: contact tracing.

“We continue to do contact tracing,” said Jennifer Chevinsky, Riverside County Deputy Public Health Officer, Public Health. “Part of that is identifying specific individuals, and when people are discussing specific events, we try to track those events and get lists of attendees. We also ask them who they may have been in contact with or in close physical contact with so that we can screen them and see if they would be eligible for this vaccine.

But the availability of vaccines is still extremely rare.

In a statement sent to NBC Palm Springs, Mayor Lisa Middleton said in part, “I am very pleased that nationally and statewide, monkeypox is being treated as a health crisis. …there are not enough vaccines available for those who need them. This must change…each of us must advocate to address the vaccine shortage.

Either way, public health is doing everything it can to get those most at risk vaccinated.

They even added a new vaccine interest form.

“One of the areas that people might be most interested in is that we have a vaccine interest form that we’ve added to our website,” Dr. Chevinsky explained. “So for anyone interested in getting vaccinated and concerned about being at high risk, please register on this interest form on the website so that we have your information to follow as new doses are released. available.”

Until then, they ask people to be aware of the symptoms and to continue to be proactive.

“We know there are certain things that have been linked or high risk in terms of the spread of monkeypox, so having multiple partners or anonymous partners, certain apps that are anonymous, those have all been linked throughout of the outbreak in California and nationwide,” Dr. Chevinsky continued. “So the recommendation is to monitor yourself for rashes, monitor your partner for rashes and try to reduce the potential risk in those ways to keep everyone safe.”

One of the cases reported last week was transferred to San Bernardino County.

Some of the places people can get vaccinated in the desert include Borrego, DAP, and Eisenhower Health, as well as Kaiser Permanente.

Public Health continues to add more clinics to help distribute the vaccine and also offers a home vaccination option for those who have already been exposed.

As for major upcoming events like Splash House this weekend, they haven’t been canceled yet.

For more information on the Vaccine Interest Form and where you can get vaccinated or tested, click here.
