Winnebago County contact tracing methods shift to text messages
WINNEBAGO COUNTY (WIFR) – Texting is the new way Winnebago County residents will learn when they test positive for COVID-19 and it’s how health department specialists will help them know what to do then.
The Illinois Department of Public Health began texting those who tested positive for the virus on Tuesday, December 28. Health department officials say it’s supposed to be more accessible, effective and easy to use. But, they also say, for the system to work, residents must work together and cooperate. More importantly, they need to respond to messages to know what to do next.
“When something is new, we’ve noticed that they tend not to respond. I want to say that’s the one you want to answer. Because it’s really a way for the contact tracer to get to you if you need to get treatment earlier in the process if you need treatment,” says County Public Health Administrator Dr. Sandra Martell. of Winnebago.
Messages include quarantine, treatment and close contact advice. Previously, health department officials called each person individually to help them trace contacts. -they say the new system is easier and more efficient but relies on the cooperation of residents.
“One of the things that we learned from the pandemic that I think was very, you know, positive for our community is that they embraced the technology. When I think of deploying the vaccination, we did an online registration, without contact. It is therefore a further step in the right direction. »
Martell adds that the Winnebago County Health Department will continuously track cases in high-risk settings, such as care facilities, schools and daycares.
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