Recommended Reading: The Fate of Apple and Google’s Contact Tracing Technology
The debacle of digital contact tracing in the United States
Charlie Warzel, Atlantic
Unless you live in a few specific states, you’ve probably never had the chance to use the contact tracing system that was the result of an unprecedented collaboration between Apple and Google. It turns out there are several reasons why the technology never took off in the United States, from general public privacy concerns to the federal government’s inability to deviate from its vaccine-or- chest.
Athletic started destroying newspapers. Then it became one.
Brian Curtis, The ring
The New York Times is spending $550 million on a subscription sports media site and its wealth of journalistic talent. Not so long ago, its founder told the same paper that bought it that he wanted to replace local papers, with a plan to “let them bleed continuously until we’re the last ones standing”. . Today, the site is part of one of the largest newspapers in the country.
The Epic Rise and Fall of Elizabeth Holmes
David Streitfeld, The New York Times
After this week’s fraud verdict, a look back at the Theranos executive’s ten-year coin and some of the people it brought with it.
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