Derby schools update contact tracing guidelines | Derby News
Following new recommendations from the State and County of Sedgwick, the Derby Board of Education made additional changes to its COVID protocols at a special meeting on January 18. In keeping with the changes, the school board voted not to assist with contact tracing in accordance with its protocols. and update isolation/return procedures for positive cases.
On Tuesday, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Kansas State Department of Education released guidelines for school districts allowing them to suspend contract tracing of people potentially exposed to COVID-19. in the classroom or in an extracurricular setting. The suspension period is scheduled to last 30 days, with January 18 as the start date, with reassessment by state departments to follow. $260 Superintendent Heather Bohaty said Sedgwick County has already indicated it intends to halt contact tracing.
Updated $260 close contact guidelines to January 18.
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