Contact us | VA Fargo Healthcare

nurse recruiter: 701-239-3700 ext. 4325

Integrative Healing Therapies in Nursing: 701-239-3700 ext. 3425

Nutrition education, walk-in dietitians: 701-239-3700 ext. 3629 or 4437

Nutrition and catering: 701-239-3745

Oncology: 701-239-3700 ext. 3522; infusion room: extension 3126

Office of Integrity and Compliance: 701-239-3700 ext. 3214

Patient Advocate: 701-239-3700 ext. 3738

Patient location: 701-239-3700 ext 0

Pharmacy: 855-846-8154

Physician Recruiter: 701-239-3700 ext. 2353

Police Services: 701-239-3700 ext. 3299

Post-9/11 Transition and Care Management / Military2VA (M2VA) / Returning Servicemembers: 701-239-3700 Ext. 4310

First aid: 701-239-3700

Privacy Office: 701-239-3700 ext. 3978

Prosthetic and sensory aid services: 701-239-3700 Ext. 3039

Office of Public Affairs / Media: 701-239-3724

Pulmonary Service: 701-239-3700 ext. 3524

Quality, safety and value: 701-239-3700 ext. 3686

Rehabilitation and Extended Care: 701-239-3700 ext. 2093

Publication information: 701-239-3700 ext. 3419 or 3718

Kidney transplant coordination: 701-239-3700 ext. 2555 or 3522

Research: 701-239-3700 ext. 3348 or 3557

Research Compliance Officer: 701-239-3700 ext. 3214

Safe Patient Handling Program: 701-239-3700 ext. 2555

Social work : 701-239-3700 ext. 4311

Transport in special mode: 701-239-3700 ext. 4506

Specialized care: 701-239-3700 ext. 2420

Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders: 701-239-3700 ext. 9-3765

Suicide Prevention Program: 701-239-3700 ext. 3556

Telehealth: 701-239-3700 ext. 3993

Helpline : 701-239-3700; 800-410-9723

Therapy Services – Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy and Recreational: 701-239-3700 ext. 3047

Smoking cessation: 701-239-3700 ext. 4406

Travel agency: 701-239-3700 ext. 3429

Veterans Welcome Center – Gladys Ray Shelter: 701-364-0116

Lifetime Virtual Electronic Registration: 701-239-3700 ext. 2876

Visual impairment services: 701-239-3700 ext. 3047

Volunteering / Center for Development & Civic Engagement: 701-239-3700 ext. 3395

Overall health: 701-239-3700 ext. 3990

Williston VA Clinic: 701-572-2470

Women’s Veterans Program – Women’s Health: 701-239-3700 ext. 3893 or 3503

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