Check your contact list! 10-digit dialing for 405 area code begins in Oklahoma
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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – It’s time to get ready and your devices as from Saturday 10-digit dialing will be required in area code 405.
The change comes as the Oklahoma City subway outgrows the 405 and prepares to add the 572.
For many, the 405 area code is a bit iconic like the downtown Oklahoma City skyline.
“There’s no question that area codes are a geographic reference, you just call it ‘The 405’,” said Matt Skinner, of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. “Now it will always be ‘The 405’. It will be just ‘405-572’.
Matt Skinner of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission said new 405 numbers are still available, but are expected to run out by next December.
That doesn’t mean the beloved 405 is going away, however.
“This means that there may not be enough to meet some demands, for example if you are a large company and you want sequential numbers in all of your offices, there may not be enough there aren’t enough 405 numbers to answer that, ”Skinner said.
As we prepare to add the 572 area code on May 24, anyone with a current 405 number will need to dial ten digits of a phone number to pass, starting this Saturday.
Skinner reminds Oklahoma residents to check their cell phones and make sure they have area codes included for their contact numbers.
“It’s a big deal,” he said. “I know personally, this morning I looked at my phone and thought, ‘Oh my gosh, there aren’t any 405 contacts that have the area code on them. “”
Some of the things you might forget are tablets and security systems that call your number; make sure they have this 405.
“You will just have to take inventory. Every device you have that uses a phone number, make sure it’s set, ”Skinner said.
If you get a new number after May 24, you will have the option of a 572 or 405 area code until all 405 numbers run out.
You will not be charged for long distance calls between the two area codes.
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